Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Micro Lens

Contrast of Content

Circular Composition

Leading Lines


Rule of thirds
S curves


Leading Lines


Contrast of Content


Monday, November 16, 2015

Monday, October 5, 2015



Three advantages of RAW files:
  1. Can be used in court 
  2. Higher in dynamic range
  3. Have more control of how your pictures look
One Disadvantage of a RAW files:
  1. Not as sharp
Three advantages of a JPEG file:
  1. Sharper
  2. Higher in contrast 
  3. Easier to share 

One disadvantage of a JPEG file:
  1. Small in size
  A RAW file is a space/time consuming process. 
A JPEG file is a quick process.


Friday, September 25, 2015

Free Shooting Planning

The type of photography I want to do is Animal Photography 

  1. My subject is my cat.
  2. I will be shooting at school. 
  3. It will take place outdoors.
  4. It will be in the afternoon.
  5. I will be using front, back and shade.
  6. The equipment I will need is a camera. 
  7. My shoot will result in 3-5 pictures.

Sunny 16 notes

Sunny 16 rules: On a bright sunny day the correct exposure for a mid-tone subject is F/16 for the shutter speed.

Equivalent exposures: Different exposures, same light

Sunny 16 pictures

  Lighting Pattern: Front Lighting 
Lighting Condition: Sunny 
ISO: 100
F/Stop: F16
Shutter Speed: 1/125

Lighting Pattern: Front Lighting
Lighting Condition: Sunny
ISO: 100
F/Stop: 11
Shutter Speed: 1/250

 Lighting Pattern: Front Lighting
Lighting Condition Sunny
Shutter Speed: 1/60

Lighting Pattern: Front Lighting
Lighting Condition: Sunny
ISO: 100
F/Stop: 18
Shutter Speed: 1/60

Lighting Pattern: Side Lighting
Lighting Condition: Mostly Sunny
ISO: 100
F/Stop: 16
Shutter Speed:1/125

Lighting Pattern: Side Lighting
Lighting Condition: Mostly Sunny
ISO: 100
F/Stop:  11
Shutter Speed: 1/250

Lighting Pattern: Side Lighting
Lighting Condition: Mostly Sunny
ISO: 100
F/Stop: 22
Shutter Speed: 1/60

Lighting Pattern: Side Lighting
Lighting Condition: Sunny
ISO: 100
F/Stop: 13
Shutter Speed: 1/60

Lighting Pattern: Back Lighting
Lighting Condition: Mostly Sunny
ISO: 100
F/Stop: 16
Shutter Speed: 1/125

Lighting Pattern: Back Lighting
Lighting Condition: Mostly Sunny
ISO: 100
F/Stop: 11
Shutter Speed: 1/250 

Lighting Pattern: Back Lighting
Lighting Condition: Mostly Sunny
ISO: 100
F/Stop: 22
Shutter Speed: 1/60

*Missing the last back lighting picture*

Lighting Pattern: Dark Shade
Lighting Condition: Mostly Sunny
ISO: 400
F/Stop: 16
Shutter Speed: 1/125

Lighting Pattern: Dark Shade
Lighting Condition: Mostly Sunny
ISO: 400
F/Stop: 11
Shutter Speed: 1/250

Lighting Pattern: Dark Shade
Lighting Condition: Mostly Sunny
ISO: 400
F/Stop: 22
Shutter Speed: 1/60

Lighting Pattern: Dark Shade
Lighting Condition: Shade
ISO: 400
F/Stop: 16
Shutter Speed: 1/60

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

My 10 rules

Create Depth

Avoiding Mergers

                                                                 Rule of Thirds
Leading Lines





Fundamentals of Photography
The trinity of photography

Aperture is an opening
The bigger the F number the smaller the opening
The smaller the F number the bigger the opening

The bigger the opening the blurrier the background appears
The smaller the opening the sharper the background appears
Aperture controls the amount of Depth of Field

Shutter Speed 
Shutter is like a curtain that opens and closes
To stop the motion of somebody walking, the minimum  shutter speed is 1/150
To stop the motion of somebody running, the minimum shutter speed is 1/250
Shutter speed controls the anunt of motion blur in a photo

ISO is a setting for your cameras sensitivity to light 
ISO adjusts the sensor in the camera that detects an image
Rule of Thumb: use a low ISO when theres a lot of light
When shooting with fast shutter speed, you will have to increase ISP if photos come out dark
When shooting at night, you will have to increase the ISO for the sensor to pick up more light

10 Rules

Simplicity (Background)

Balancing Elements 

Leading Lines
Avoiding Mergers

Rule of Thirds

